Welcome to 2018, I hope it is a great year for all of us. I recently posted on Facebook that I had used what I called the “watermelon” approach for looking after my Budgies. In a nut shell it is simple I use only fresh water that is changed daily and I use my Melon when it comes to making decisions on what I give to my birds. I have been lucky enough to spend time in some of the best aviaries in the world and the one thing that is common with these breeders is that they use a simple management regime. There is no one right way to Bird management and feeding. I have witnessed many of the world’s top Budgerigar breeders destroy their studs of birds and then leave the hobby. This is replicated many times over with lesser known breeders. If your birds are not breeding as well as they should the answer is not in belting chemicals into them. From my experience your birds should never be force feed anything, the birds should be given a choice in what they need and they have millions of years of evolution working on their sides to help them make their choices. Feed your birds whatever additions you feel comfortable with over and above a variety of seeds, such as soft food, greens vegies etc. but not chemicals. The water must always be plain and clean and changed daily. The water must not be laced with some magical concoction that you have dreamt up or copied from some other breeder. Apart from putting your birds in a happier and more productive position, think of the money you will save. A large selection of seeds which are mixed together.
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